Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crowd Control Games

Keep Talking CSVOA
This wears down even the most active scout. Break into pairs. Each person must talk as fast and long as possible. The person who lasts the longest moves up and competes with other winners until a champion is crowned.
Some ground rules: brief breaths are allowed, but no pauses. No lists or counting. No repeats. This one is exhausting just thinking about it. Used to tame a rambunctious group.

Minute Timer SVO
A quiet game. Have all the scouts close their eyes. Start a timer. Have people raise their hand (and open their eyes) when they think one minute is up. Used to take control of the group. You will have total attention!! Even works for very large groups of adults. Magic
South SVO
Have all the group close their eyes and point which direction they think is north. When they open their eyes there will be confusion and laughter. Have a compass ready to settle disputes.

Group Numbers CSVOA
Method: Scouts are scattered throughout the room. The leader says, "Form fives" (or fours, or threes, or twos). Scouts have to get into groups of whatever size is announced. Repeat with a different number. Could even be used for large groups at a Camporee. Can also be used to form impromptu teams for an activity (much more humane than team chosing)

Number Sit CSVOA
Whenever the leader in telling a story mentions a number, the Scouts all sit down. The last Scout to sit down drops out of the game. The game ends when only one Scout remains - the winner.

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